Movement Academy
Concept Work

  • Logo Design

  • Identity Design

  • Identity System

  • Positioning & Tone of Voice

  • Mood Boards

  • Packaging Design

  • Publication Design

  • Flyer Design

  • Typography Research

  • Photography

  • Photo Editing

First of its kind dance school specialising in street dance styles

Creating a new intensive dance school that offers full training in street dance styles from Popping to Locking to Breaking and Urban Choreography, that combines technology with dancing in order to improve the learning capabilities and engagement of the student body. Movement Academy was made to meet that need, for dancers to be encouraged to live their dream of dancing for a living. A lot of dancers decide its not realistic and give up but that is only because they don't receive training at an intensive level that gives them all the tools they need.

The client wanted a brand that communicated to dancers that they understood their aspirations and have been where they are, and at the same time communicate to their parents that Movement Academy was a professional dance school and that they were trustworthy and serious about the training they provide and the modern approach they have. Part of the branding and discovery phase brought to light that in order for this message to be conveyed and for them to stand out they needed to go in the opposite direction of the common visual language around street dance but also ensure that they were still viewed as a street dance school and not a contemporary, ballet institution.

Together we created a brand and supporting collateral that connects to the street dance community while giving people confidence they will get a high level of training and education. An integrated brand that was reflected all throughout the campus and an app that connected students to one another and allowed them to share, support and critique one another’s dance.